Monday, December 20, 2010

Diverse Statements

Group poem by Jordan, Shivana, Victor, Ana, Betty, Ernisha, and Ms. Kymbali

Diverse poeple bring diverse ideas.
Stay strong, don't be alone.
We fly until we run out of time. To when we touch the sky, so no need to shed any salty crys.
Within Gazez, there is nothing but suffering. It is up to us to make a difference.
Lies, not death begin and end with love...
Come with me as one family to fight discrimination in harmony.
Gaza is in termoil, we are in peace, let'c come together to make Gaza cease.
What if there was no hate, fear or despair?
Dare not to be a voice to those that are unheard.
Let's come together as one unity to fight for our sister and brotherly love.
We fight till we gone win through our life.
Dreams can come true if you just believe.

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