Monday, December 20, 2010

Diverse Statements

Group poem by Jordan, Shivana, Victor, Ana, Betty, Ernisha, and Ms. Kymbali

Diverse poeple bring diverse ideas.
Stay strong, don't be alone.
We fly until we run out of time. To when we touch the sky, so no need to shed any salty crys.
Within Gazez, there is nothing but suffering. It is up to us to make a difference.
Lies, not death begin and end with love...
Come with me as one family to fight discrimination in harmony.
Gaza is in termoil, we are in peace, let'c come together to make Gaza cease.
What if there was no hate, fear or despair?
Dare not to be a voice to those that are unheard.
Let's come together as one unity to fight for our sister and brotherly love.
We fight till we gone win through our life.
Dreams can come true if you just believe.

Ernisha Watt's Poem Discrimination

From nation to nation East, South, North, and West
we fight for freedom with no request.
People from nation cried in vain, hoping that the war
will never come again.
We fight for peace each and everyday as w struggle in dispair without no fear.
Fights, bloods, deaths and guns,
how can we live this life without no fun.
So come and join with me to help fight against children discrimination rights.

Introduction to our Gaza Monologues

Children around the world
Suffer because their
Voices are not heard
This too is a form of discrimination.
Theri dreams are swallowed
By adult conflicts
They loose their joy...
Our voices will be heard

Monday, December 13, 2010

Our Journey to the United Nations and Representing the Gaza Monologues

Paul Robeson Students ; Shivana Subir, Betty Joseph, Jordan Fuller, Ana Leguillou,
and Ernisha Watt.

After reacting our monlogues to other UN students

Our coordinator Ms. Kymbalie

Our lovely teacher who set this whole oppourtunity up ; Ms. Siegel

The United Nation Conference Room
Left to Right [Ernisha, Betty, Shivana, and Ana]

The United Nation Conference Room
Right to Left [Ana, Shivana, Betty, Ernisha]

The Robeson Ladies
Right to Left [Shivana, Betty, Ernisha]

Betty, Shivana, Ana

Behind a Famous Rug
Ernisha and Betty

Here we go again
Ana and Shivana

The Gold Man we Admire.

A Special Unique Vase

The front of the United Nation Buildings with several countries flags.

The Grand Assembly Hall
The Gold Seal

Another Grand Seal on the Assembly Desk.

The Robeson Ladies in front the wall from Finland.


Betty and Ernisha
[in a phone booth]

Ana and Shivana
[Yes in a phone booth]

Betty and Shivana in front of the Official Grand Seal

Ana and Shivana on the steps of the Grand Assembly Hall

United Nations Grand Seal

The Grand Assembly Hall

Ana Shivana and Betty directly in front the seal

Outside the United Nation building in front of a statue.